Technology upgrade approaching soon

"Technology upgrade" has been taken almost a year to make. And currently it seems it will be coming out sometimes this month. Most likely at the end of the month. I take all the weekends i can to tweak and fix stuff in SSC.

Playtesting and fun

So far i've been playing SSC, tweaking what i think was wrong and having fun with it too. Game play in new update is about 1 hour now considering my RTS abilities. What has taken the longest time to implement in this update? Save games. And i still need to work on those after this update. There won't probably be automatic saves in 0.2 but player can save at any given time manually. They can overwrite a save or pick a new one. Reason why i postpone autosaves is because well, let's look at my development time. I rather use it for tweaking, fixing bugs and getting 0.2 out sooner than focusing on something that player can do manually for now.

Tweaking, fixing and updating

Speaking about tweaking and fixing things. I updated world background with new shader and limited camera within world bounds. A font was updated to Space Mono since Chelsea Market was not readable in technology view nodes. There are also couple quality of life things, like while player has fleet of ships selected, you can pick a new position on minimap and keeping those selected ships. And similar thing with planets. Having a planet selected and picking a position from minimap, user is moved to that place.  Both of those are something i personally missed every single time i've played since i made this game.

There was some interesting bugs that i fixed. First that comes to mind is ships moving around oddly when new orders are given. Haulers and Crabs still have it in certain cases, but most ship behaviours have been fixed in new 0.2 version. There was cases where for example ship targeting behaviour did not finish, so those piled up during a gameplay. 


What is the future of SSC after 0.2? I got several small, medium and complicated subjects to choose from. I go with smaller ones first and try to get SSC release cycle smaller. Personally, i don't like this 1 year release cycle. So for a start i do bugfixes, UI and graphical updates. Speaking of graphics.  Lilu Paine from has been helping me out with graphics a lot. She made new SSC ships and stars. Once stars are settled, we move on to planets and moons later.

TL;DR: Version 0.2 will most likely come out this month. 

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